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Canceling a Listing

If a 6 month listing agreement was signed last month and an argument occurred and I don't want to use that agent, can the listing be cancelled?

Before you sign a listing agreement you should first ask the agent to research the average selling time in your neighborhood. If a listing contract is for more than ninety days, it should not exceed double the average selling time.

As for canceling the contract, a lot depends on whether the agent works for a larger office with management, etc. Usually, the office or company wants to retain your good will, and will usually let you out of a listing agreement. It would be best to broach the matter in a calm pleasant way instead of getting hot and excited. Simply explain that you can no longer work with that agent or company any longer and you wish to cancel your listing.

Initially, they will (of course) try to talk you out of it. Just keep repeating that you want to cancel and your reason for doing so. If you do it calmly, they won't get defensive.

Most of the time, this works. Make sure to get the cancellation in writing.

If it doesn't work, then you have two options. First, take your home off the market during those six months. Second, consult an attorney. I always hesitate to bring attorneys into things because you can never tell when that will get messy. Once things get messy, fees go up. Plus, real estate companies usually have attorneys already on retainer. You don�t.

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