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Real Estate Forums

It took a long time for real estate forums to emerge, but they have become a very helpful source of information about search engines, link exchange, directories, information, and...some even help consumers, too.




Advanced Access

Mostly for Advanced Access customers, this forum goes way beyond just figuring out how to do stuff on the web site.  It discusses lead generation, IDX, link popularity, search engines, and all kinds of stuff.  Regularly accessed by AA support staff and senior managment.  Pay special attention to posts by Bob.


Real Estate Webmasters

Run by SEOguy and includes a directory.  Go to and look up the traffic growth of this web site, if you don't believe SEOguy knows what he is doing.  Forum categories will interest real estate agents interested in increasing their traffic and leads, real estate webmasters, and consumers.


National Real Estate Directory & Forum

Pretty similar to the above forum with some of the same visitors.  The category list is longer and somewhat confusing, but the conversations are quite engaging.  Nice blue color.  It's easier to just click on "Today's Posts" to keep up with the good conversations.


Agents Online Idea Center

What makes this forum good is that it puts the consumer-oriented issues at the top of the page, where they belong.  A lot of the professional issues are similar to the above web sites with some of the same participants.  It isn't quite as easy to use the avatar of your choice, but after you've been around awhile, you can email it in to the webmaster.


RealTalk -- Technically, RealTalk is not a forum.  It is a ListServ that sends the topics of conversation to you via email.  You have to sign up using your email address.  RealTalk is managed by Internet Crusade, the folks who also manage the e-pro courses and certification.



Last modified: November 08, 2005

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