The most recent sales in Patterson are identified on the map. Click on any house to see the recent sales information of the property.

Patterson, California
Zillow Home Value Index $381,700
Property Tax: $108
Median Condo Value: $280,800
Median Single Family Value: $382,200
Median 2 BD Value: $270,800
Median 3 BD Value: $348,500
Median 4 BD Value: $391,100
• Nearby cities include: Crows Landing Modesto Newman Vernalis Westley  • Other major cities in include: Fresno Los Angeles Sacramento San Diego San Francisco  • Other Major Cities
Patterson Home Values
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TODAY'S MORTGAGE RATES from Ethical Lenders

Ethical Lender Name
sort Rate Points Fees Lock APR Monthly Payment Last Updated
Figure Lending LLC   2.875% 0.000 $2,550 30 2.927% $1267 07/03/2020 
Rocket Mortgage   3.875% 0.000 $1,250 30 3.909% $1436 07/03/2020 
Figure Lending LLC   2.875% 0.000 $2,550 30 2.927% $1267 07/03/2020 
Figure Lending LLC   2.875% 0.000 $2,550 30 2.927% $1267 07/03/2020 
Figure Lending LLC   2.875% 0.000 $2,550 30 2.927% $1267 07/03/2020 
Rocket Mortgage   3.875% 0.000 $1,250 30 3.909% $1436 07/03/2020 
Figure Lending LLC   2.625% 1.000 $2,550 30 2.752% $1227 07/03/2020 
Figure Lending LLC   2.625% 1.000 $2,550 30 2.752% $1227 07/03/2020 
Rocket Mortgage   3.375% 1.000 $1,250 30 3.487% $1350 07/03/2020 
Quicken Loans NMLS #3030   3.625% 1.000 $1,250 30 3.739% $1393 07/03/2020 
Figure Lending LLC   2.500% 2.000 $2,550 30 2.702% $1207 07/03/2020 
Rocket Mortgage   2.990% 2.000 $1,250 30 3.177% $1286 07/03/2020 
Figure Lending LLC   2.500% 2.000 $2,550 30 2.702% $1207 07/03/2020 
Quicken Loans NMLS #3030   3.250% 2.000 $1,250 30 3.440% $1329 07/03/2020 
Patterson, California 1 Year Value market Change
Patterson, California Median Condo Value
Patterson, California Median Home Value
Mortgage Quotes:

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