Number One Selling Tip

- The Multiple Listing Service

by Don Sutton

You are not hiring a Realtor to put a sign on the lawn, an ad in the paper, and hold an open house. You can do this yourself. You are hiring a Realtor to provide you with maximum exposure to the greatest number of qualified buyers for your home.

Supply and Demand

You've heard of supply and demand? The more potential buyers at your supply, the higher a price you can demand.

The absolute number one tip I can give you to help you get the most money possible for your home is this: make sure you get full Multiple Listing Service (MLS) coverage.

Don't look at any offers until you are sure your home is on the MLS computer.

I will say this again...

Don't look at any offers until you are sure your home is on the MLS computer. An army of Realtors at your disposal can't be beat.

  • Dump any Realtor that tries to tell you to put your house on exclusive (only his/her company) or wants you to negotiate offers before it gets on MLS.
  • Dump any Realtor that wants to list your house on a Friday and have a public open house the following Sunday. There is not enough time to get your home on the system.

I do not care how good a Realtors marketing plan is, it is worthless compared to the value of having your home on the MLS system. Think of it this way. Realtor = home on MLS = most Realtors = most buyers = most money.

Is the first offer the best offer?

There is a saying in real estate. The first offer is usually the best one. This is only true, if everyone knows it's for sale.

Real estate surveys in my area showed the owner lost an average of $2000. when their house was sold by the same office or Realtor that listed their home. The reason...the offer was written before any one else knew it was for sale.

MLS Comes First

Ask any realtor you are contemplating dealing with, what the order of their marketing plan is. If submitting to the Multiple Listing Service is not the first thing they are going to do, look for another realtor.

If you took away every selling tool I had, and said I could only have one of them back, I would choose the MLS service. This is not a commercial for MLS. It is just the best weapon Realtors and the public have for getting maximum exposure on property.

MLS is a strong selling tool,...use it... It will make a difference on your bottom line.

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